Everything You Need To Know About Laser Vision Correction

Laser vision correction is one of the easiest procedures available today, thanks to advances in Lasik eye surgery. This procedure is available to anyone, regardless of age or gender, and millions of people have already undergone this treatment successfully for years. It is the most effective way to remove cataracts and any other vision problems, as long as your eye doctor approves you for this procedure. Understandably, many people are still unsure of its benefits, and that is what we will explain, and hopefully alleviate any concerns you might have.

Vision limitations occur when the light refracted on the cornea is blocked in part from the retina, causing different conditions in varying degrees, like nearsightedness, astigmatism, and cataracts. In procedures like Lasik eye surgery, the tissue around the cornea is removed, and the cornea reshaped, so that light is refracted properly to the retina. This will allow you to see properly, and without having to wear corrective lenses ever again. This is what laser vision correction is all about.

You may be wondering if there may be complications from laser vision correction, after all, it is surgery. The good news is, as long as highly trained and qualified Lasik eye surgery professionals perform it, you should not have anything to worry about. The chances of the surgery failing is less than five percent, and while it may not correct vision one hundred percent, it will not require you to wear any type of corrective lenses ever again.

Before agreeing to undergo any laser vision correction, you must consult with your eye doctor beforehand. Only he or she will know the extent of your vision limitations, and only they can recommend whether it can be corrected through any Lasik eye surgery procedure. Keep in mind that the effects of this procedure will not be immediate. It is surgery, after all, and even your eyes will need time to heal. And, you will have to return for checkups from time to time, so that your eye doctor can be sure that your eyes are healing properly.

There are two basic types of procedures that can be done to correct vision problems. The first, Lasik eye surgery, is suitable for patients that wish to correct astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness. During this procedure, either a laser or microkeratome blade is used to create a thin flap in the eye's cornea. It is folded back, and an excimer laser is then used to remove tissues under the flap. The flap is then closed, changing the shape of the cornea to correct vision problems.

The second type, PRK, uses ultraviolet light to correct vision issues as well as the excimer laser. The ultraviolet rays are used to flatten the center of the cornea, causing it to dilate. The excimer laser is then used to remove tissue from the surface of the cornea, so that it can later focus light more properly. Patients who undergo this procedure report improvements in vision as soon as three days later.

If you have chronic vision problems and are tired of wearing glasses or contacts, or if you have begun to develop cataracts, speak with your eye doctor. If he or she feels comfortable with you undergoing these procedures, and believes that it will successfully correct your vision problems, then go for it. What have you got to lose? Just eyeglasses and contact lenses, that is all.