I Need to Lose My Belly Fat in 30 Days

I need to lose my belly fat in 30 days ! That was the only thought swirling through my head as I picked up my ticket for my dream destination- Jamaica. I’ve never been to Jamaica before but I’ve seen the pictures. All the women there seem to have washboard abs and they sashay down the beaches of Jamaica looking super sexy in their itsy bitsy bikinis. Though going to Jamaica is a dream come true for me, I sure did not want to be the only one all covered up on a beach in Jamaica.

I took a look at myself in the mirror when I got home; ticket in hand and I knew that I would not dare going out on the beach wearing a bikini the way I looked right now. I need to lose my belly fat in 30 days if I wanted to look half as good as any of the women in those pictures.

I have been doing a lot of sit-ups and I jog for half an hour every morning. Why isn’t my belly fat melting off the way it is supposed to do? I have started to think that maybe I am going about it all wrong, but how can that be? I have started researching my problem.

What I’ve Learned so Far:

* The best way to lose fat is to diet and exercise. I’ve been exercising but not dieting. Not only is dieting necessary but how I diet is the most important aspect of all!

* Sit-ups and crunches will not get rid of belly fat. They will strengthen my ab muscles though and that is good. To be most effective, I have to combine diet and crunches.

* The more muscle I build, the more fat I will burn. Muscle burns calories and fat when it runs out of energy. If I put on a couple pounds of muscle, I will burn 100 more calories every day!

At this point where I need to lose my belly fat in 30 days ; the wisest thing for me to do would be to follow a program. I could join a gym, go to Weight Watchers, read a book or download a program from the internet that will teach me how to eat and exercise in the right way. When timing is of essence and you cannot afford to slip and fall, weight loss programs offer you the crucial support and guidance that you need to lose weight and get washboard abs, fast!