Eliminate Vaginal Fish Odor - Simple Home Remedies For A Fishy Vaginal Smell

Vaginal fish odor can affect women at any stage of life and although distressing, it is important to understand that it is a very common condition and easily resolved. A healthy vagina will have a small amount of creamy white or clear discharge, the consistency of which will vary from woman to woman and also depending on the point of the woman's menstrual cycle. The smell of each woman's vagina is unique, but should never be unpleasant or offensive. There are simple steps you can take to help both prevent and eliminate a vaginal fish odor, particularly if the condition is mild and you don't have any other symptoms. * Always wear cotton panties as these can allow air to circulate around the area. Synthetic fabrics can encourage the growth of bacteria by providing moist, damp conditions which are an ideal breeding ground and this is turn can cause discharge and unpleasant smells * Never use perfumed products on the vaginal area as these can strip the vagina of the natural lubricants which keep the area healthy and maintain the ideal PH balance. Always wash using unperfumed products and never more than twice a day * Avoid douching as this too can remove essential lubricants * Always change your sanitary protection regularly and never forget to remove the last tampon of a period * Consider wearing a thin panty pad if you have a vaginal fish odor as this can absorb some of the discharge which is causing the smell and can be changed regularly * Keep a spare pair of panties in your handbag just in case you feel you need to freshen up whilst out

Very often, a vaginal fish odor is caused by a very common condition called bacterial vaginosis. If you have symptoms which include a gray or white thin vaginal discharge with a strong fishy smell with an accompanying itching or burning feeling, this is highly likely. If this is indeed the case, there is a very simple remedy which gives instant relief and a complete cure within 3 short days. This is completely guaranteed to work and will cure you completely of the condition and give you fast remedies to eliminate fishy vaginal smells. You can get hold of this Bacterial Vaginosis Cure at no risk to yourself whatsoever as it comes with a cast-iron guarantee. It is available for immediate download, with no waiting and no expensive shipping costs. It iscompletely guaranteed to workand has done so for many thousands of women worldwide-it is bestselling remedy for bacterial vaginosis available anywhere. Please visit this useful site where you will learn more about bacterial vaginosis and how to eliminate Vaginal Fish Odor .