Apple Cider Vinegar - Yeast Infection Symptoms Just Disappear!

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection has really caught on with sufferers who can't seem to get a proper cure using mainstream drug based treatments. Discover how apple cider vinegar could work for you here.

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and turning the juice first to alcohol, then to vinegar. It can be purchased from your supermarket. But as a natural home remedy for yeast infection and other ailments it has been used for hundreds of years.

It can be used internally and externally for yeast infection. For internal use, drink 2 teaspoons of the vinegar mixed in 8 oz of water, 3 times a day.

Apple cider vinegar is often used in the bath. Pour 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in a warm (low) bath. Sit in the bath for about 20 to 30 minutes, making sure that the affected area is totally immersed. Repeat daily until your symptoms disappear.

It can also be used as a douche. Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 quarts of warm water. Soak a piece of cotton in the mixture and apply very gently over the area. Do this at least once a day (preferably twice) until the symptoms go away.

Apple cider vinegar can give a burning sensation when applied externally. If it burns too much for you, then reduce the amount of vinegar to water. Another way is to add a fresh garlic clove to the mixture which can help to reduce the burning sensation. This second way means that the positive effects of the vinegar aren't diluted.

This natural home remedy for yeast infection is one of the most popular and effective. But, by itself, it isn't the solution to your yeast infection problems. In order to truly eliminate your yeast infection fast and permanently you need to address not just the symptoms, but the root cause, any underlying conditions, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.

For the facts on a 100% natural cure for yeast infection that has been successfully used by thousands of ex-sufferers around the world go to and start on your cure in minutes.