How Do Men View Women's Breast Size?

Some men love them big, some love them small. There is a saying, "anything more than a handful is a waste". This phrase is true to a certain extent. A smaller cup might indeed look more attractive than a bigger cup. It boils down to a woman's physical proportion. If a woman is not tall by nature, having big boobs might make her look fat, when she is not in the first place. A tall and slim woman will look better with firmer breasts.

Before you jump in and start thinking of breast enlargement (if you are a woman), you need to know if the size of your breasts really matter to a guy.

In an online poll on a gaming forum, men were asked what is their ideal breast size. 54% said that they were happy with a cup C. 15% were happy with a cup B and 18% were pleased with a cup D. These 3 sizes add up to over 87%. A point to take note. There were only 84 votes at the time this article was being typed. Although the number of men polled was small, it is sufficient to indicate that size does matter to men. However, you have to remember that if you wish to enlarge your breasts, you should do it for yourself, and not for other people. You need to feel good about what you are doing.

If you are still unsure if size really matters, ask your male friends. You should get the same answer. You can actually enlarge your breasts by doing breast enlargement exercises.