Get Rid of Bad Vaginal Odor - Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally

If you have bad vaginal odor and this is caused by bacterial vaginosis, home treatment is a surefire way to get rid of it. Surveys have shown that over three quarters of Americans would, if given a choice, prefer to use natural home treatments rather than over the counter medication or prescription drugs, such as antibiotics.

Within the vagina, there are two types of bacteria. Beneficial bacteria (known as Lactobacillus) and harmful bacteria (known as Gardnerella). Usually, the two co-exist without problems, with the good bacteria controlling any overgrowth of the bad. An imbalance in the bacteria can cause the unpleasant symptoms of bacterial vaginosis which include itching, burning, a discharge and the bad vaginal odor. exactly why the imbalance occurs is not always obvious. Indeed there is no known cause in some women. There are, however, a number of trigger factors which include over-washing, using perfumed products on the vaginal area, douching, a new sexual partner and even just having a lowered resistance to infection.

Antibiotics are often prescribed for this condition and they will kill off any bad bacteria in most cases. However, this is not the end of the story. Antibiotics cannot distinguish between beneficial and harmful bacteria so they kill off both. This means that as soon as the antibiotic course is finished and bacteria begins to naturally repopulate the vagina, there will not be enough good bacteria to keep things under control, so the bad bacteria will quickly multiply and the symptoms will begin again.

This explains why over 70% of women who take antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis will have repeat flare-ups within a few weeks of finishing the course

If you suffer from repeated bouts of bacterial vaginosis or have the condition continually for any length of time, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease.

There are some simple remedies you can try at home which may help alleviate the symptoms.

* Eat natural live yogurt as this contains Lactobacillus which will enhance the natural flora of the vagina-you can also try soaking a tampon in the yogurt and inserting into the vagina for a couple of hours
* Add a couple of cups of cider vinegar to a warm bath
* Tea tree oil pessaries (available from health food stores) can work well as tea tree oil has natural antiseptic properties

If you would like to cure bacterial vaginosis naturally using a home treatment which iscompletely guaranteedto give immediate relief and to get rid of bad vaginal odor, in just 3 days please visit Bacterial Vaginosis Home Treatment This is, quite simply, the best selling home remedy for this condition and has been successfully used by many thousands of women worldwide. You can find lots of helpful information about bacterial vaginosis at Get Rid Of Bad Vaginal Odor