Grow Eyelashes Longer With These Natural Secrets

It appears that the fight for the ‘most beautiful woman' is fierce and women are striving for every edge they can get. It's no secret that having long and thick eyelashes and shapely brows provide timeless and universal beauty to any face. So I want to show you how to grow eyelashes that are long and full the natural way.

Of course, there are several really good eyelash growth products that will help you get longer, lush lashes but there's a few natural secrets you can apply at home to help you grow longer, fuller eyelashes.

Use Natural Moisturizers and Nutrition – Natural moisturizers such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Castor Oil, Grapeseed Oil, and others to moisturize and strengthen the eyelashes. My hair and eyelashes have grown stronger, thicker, shinier and healthier since I began using Olive Oil as my top moisturizer. This natural eyelash growth secret not only helps your eyelashes, or hair, but I also use it on my skin as an anti-aging natural moisturizer instead of chemical based lotions.

Eat More Fish – 3 to 4 servings of meats like salmon and fish like mackerel, sardines, and even tuna are super rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12. You have to understand that hair is protein. Getting more amino acids through your food will help your body make its own protein. So you need to load up on lean meats and legumes with high protein content to grow longer eyelashes.

Increase Your Nutrition – Nutritional supplements that are rich in protein and amino acids will help your eyelashes grow since your eyelashes and all your hair is protein! By getting more protein into your body you will find your hair re-growing if it's fallen out for some reason and your eyelashes growing longer.

These are just a few of the natural eyelash growth secrets that will help you get longer, thicker eyelashes.