Hormonal Control of Menstrual Cycle


The ovarian hormones circulate in the blood and are excreted in modified forms in the urine. Estimation of the urinary output by chemical methods gives an indication of the blood levels and of the total production of these substances.

There are severalnatural estrogens, and numerous synthetic modifications of these and of progesterone have been devised; many are active when taken by mouth and are used for treatment of hormonal disorders and as oral contraceptives.

The cyclic events in the ovary that have already been mentioned depend on gonadotropic hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; this gland is situated in a small recess at the base of the skull. There are two, and possibly three,gonadotropic hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and, possibly, luteotropic hormone (LTH).

FSH is secreted in greatest amount in the first half of the menstrual cycle, and LH has its peak of secretion at mid-cycle. It is believed that the sequential action of FSH and LH causes ripening of the follicle and ovulation. In some animals LTH is necessary for maintenance of the corpus luteum, but in women under treatment for infertility ovulation has been successfully induced with FSH and LH alone.Multiple births, as the result of multiple ovulation, have occurred after excessive doses of FSH have been given.

The pituitary gland stimulates the ovary to produce estrogens and progesterone, but there is a "negative feedback" by which the estrogens inhibit the output of FSH from the pituitary gland (and probably stimulate the output of LH). In addition, progesterone is believed to inhibit the further output of LH. In this process, in which the pituitary first stimulates the ovary, and the ovary then inhibits the pituitary, the basic rhythm is under the control of the hypothalamus; nevertheless, ovulation can be inhibited byoral contraceptives, which contain estrogens and progestogens—modifications of progesterone.

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is connected by its stalk to the hypothalamic region of the brain. The anterior lobe secretes many important hormones, including those that control the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands, the growth hormone, and the gonadotropic hormones.

From the hypothalamus substances are carried in the veins in the pituitary stalk that cause release of hormones from the pituitary, including FSH and LH, but also a factor that inhibits release of LTH. The higher brain centres no doubt affect the hypothalamic function; this explains the temporary disturbances of menstruation that may follow emotional stress.

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