Top Anti Aging Products Have These Ingredients - Does Yours Too?

If you search a bit on the internet, you will find many lists containing the names of the top anti aging products available in the market. All these lists talk about how quickly these products show results and make your skin firm. But nobody ever talks about how long these results last and about their side effects.

Fact is – most of these so called top anti aging products contain harsh chemical ingredients inside.

Take Parabens for example. This family of chemicals is used in skin care products as effective preservatives. They increase the shelf life of the products and so boost the profits for the cosmetics company manufacturing them.

So far so good. The down side for you - the consumer is – these chemicals have also been linked to the development of cancer by many studies.

In fact, the European Union has banned the use of many Parabens in cosmetics products. The fact that they are still being used in the US based cosmetics products is sad indeed.

Now, these creams usually tackle wrinkles and lines in the skin by adding Collagen as an ingredient inside. While this may show some results initially, they do not last long.

The reason for this is – the Collagen used in these creams is different in structure from the natural one our body produces inside. The two do not integrate completely and so the effects of the cream wear out after a while.

What you really need is a cream that can naturally increase the Collagen and Elastin in your skin without the risk of any side effects.

Such a cream will have natural ingredients likeCynergy TK™. This sheep wool extract has the capability of making your body produce more Collagen and Elastin inside. This makes the skin naturally firm, smooth and wrinkle free.

Phytessence Wakame, a sea kelp from Japan, helps by preventing the breakdown of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid is what binds together the Collagen fibers and keeps the skin firm and tight. Wakame also protects the skin from the UV rays of the sun which increase the Melanin inside and cause age spots on it.

The top anti aging products would also contain ingredients likeVitamin E. This natural anti oxidant is very effective at protecting the skin from the free radicals found in environmental pollution and keeps the skin healthy and damage free.

Do yourself a favor and avoid chemical laden products. Look for the top anti aging products containing effective natural extracts, and your skin will be naturally beautiful and smooth, always.