Are Mirena Side Effects Destroying Relationships?

I had the coil fitted because I fell pregnant while on the pill and we had an unplanned pregnancy. It wasn't a problem as we had planned to have another child but not quite yet. Anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to change to something more reliable and I had the Mirena Coil fitted.

After the horrible process of having the coil fitted everything seemed fine; it took about four months for my periods to stop but it wasn't uncomfortable and didn't give me any problems. All appeared to be great, no periods, no mood swings and (here's the bombshell) no libido and no energy.

I started getting tired more easily, often falling asleep during the day, which isn't funny when you have three children under six years old to watch over. I started needing early nights and very much to my husband's disappointment, not the kind of early nights we used to have before Mirena. I needed so much more sleep.

My husband and I had always had a great sex life up until I had the coil fitted. We had been together eight years and our sex life was better than ever until I had the Mirena Coil fitted. Obviously like every other parent having children changed our sex life a little but not a great deal. Just where and when changed but we still enjoyed a very active sex life until Mirena.

I visited the Doctor and she told me she had never heard of any problems with libido and suggested a blood test to check hormone levels, iron and thyroid glands. These all came back negative so she suggested HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy). I was 34 years old. This of course was very depressing as my mother wasn't on HRT and she was 54. I sat down with my husband and we discussed what to do.

My husband who was very supportive and understanding was convinced it was the Mirena Coil and I began to agree. So I had the offending item removed and went back on the pill. It took a few weeks for my body to get back to normal but it did and we are back to early nights for exercise rather than sleep.

In my opinion, it is ridiculous to suggest to a woman under forty that they should take HRT when blood tests show no problem and more than a little bit worrying. Do the medical companies have such a hold on our health services that we are given products that harm us so that we can be given more products to correct the side effects of the former?

How many couples have split over this? How many marriages have been put under huge strain due to the Mirena side effects that according to Medical Experts are in your head?

I haven't listed all the Mirena side effects here because there are so many. You can find them on the internet easy enough. But if you are thinking of having or have had the Mirena Coil fitted please do some research and don't let your Doctor tell you there aren't any Mirena side effects, because the internet is littered with stories like mine. Let me know if you have had similar problems with Mirena side effects on my blog: I would love to hear your story and it helps other people that have had similar issues, realise they are not alone.