If you are confused with the various anti aging methods available in the market, here is an analytical review of the most common ones. Read them carefully and then decide which one is really the best for you.

The most common anti aging methods:

1.Botox Injections

This technique involves injecting this chemical Botox directly into the facial muscles. This chemical causes the facial skin to become tight and firm and the fine lines and wrinkles hence disappear from the skin. This is known to be the quickest of all the other anti aging methods.

Now, here's the inside story.

For one, this technique is painful and expensive. Two, the results last only for a few months. Then as the effect of Botox is gone, the skin regains its slackness and becomes wrinkled again. Three, the way it works is extremely invasive and results into multiple side effects. It actually works by paralyzing the facial muscles which gives them a tightened look and feel. This often results into permanent muscle weakness, abrasions, inflammation and redness in the skin.

2.Collagen Injections

Since it is actually the lack of Collagen which causes the skin to become loose and wrinkled, this technique aims at making up for this deficiency by injecting Collagen directly into the skin.

This approach seemingly looks correct but is not really so. This is because this Collagen injected artificially into the skin, is synthetic in nature – derived from cows and pigs. And hence it is structurally different than what we have inside our skin.

As a result the two of them are not able to bind with each other properly to make the skin smooth and firm. Due to poor binding, the effects too are poor and are not very lasting.

3.Natural anti aging creams

If you use natural anti aging creams and especially the ones which contain the tested and proven ingredients likeCynergy TK™, Phytessence Wakame, Active Manuka Honey- which are known for their amazing anti aging properties, you get the most effective way of combating aging.

Cynergy, for example, stimulates the production of natural collagen inside the body and hence eliminates the possibility of fine lines and wrinkles completely. Wakame provides protection against the UV rays coming from the sun. Manuka honey nourishes and hydrates the skin to keep it well moist and healthy.

These substances form the best of all the available anti aging methods. Results are permanent, effective and absolutely free from side effects. What else can one ask for?

Now, the decision to choose the right one from these anti aging methods is with you. Make a decision and make a wise one. After all it is the health of your precious skin which is at stake.