How to Get Rid of a Smelly Vagina

A woman usually gets a rancid smell to her vagina when she catches an infection. Some women think that the fishy smell is normal from time to time but it isn’t. It is a sign that something is wrong with your body and it needs help to get better.

The number one cause of a smelly vagina is bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common infection in women of all ages. It is most commonly caught by bacteria getting inside of the body whether that be wiping in the wrong direction and fecal particles getting inside or having unprotected sex with a partner who has bacteria on them. Once bacteria are inside of you, it is too late to do take any preventable measures. Now all you need to do is get rid of that smelly vagina scent.

The best way to get rid of a smelly vagina is to take a steaming hot bath in Epsom salt. The hot water will soothe away any irritation that you have been experiencing and it will also help to take away the scent. Having a nice hot bath will make you feel refreshed and restore some of your confidence that you have been missing out on. The Epson salt that you have added to your bath will work to kill the bacteria that are causing this infection to happen. In order to ensure that the infection heals, don’t use any harsh soap with perfumes because this will just make matters worse. Keep up with your hygiene but don’t take it overboard because it can make the infection worsen.