Reduce Wrinkles Naturally With the Best Anti Wrinkle Products

The best way to reduce wrinkles naturally is to research and understand the ingredients in the best anti wrinkle products? The larger cosmetic companies claim that their anti wrinkle skin care creams are the most effective and the safest, but "claims" are often all they can make.

Typically they have no clinical research to back them up. If they do quote clinical results, they are speaking about the effectiveness of a single compound in their product, which usually accounts for less than one percent of the total ingredients.

In the best anti wrinkle products on the market, 40-50% of the ingredients are active. They contain a variety of compounds, all with clinical research that proving their safety and effectiveness.

The major cosmetic companies are not concerned about your safety. The warning labels alone are enough to scare me. Would you buy an anti wrinkle skin care cream that says "test on a small inconspicuous area before using on your face"? Me neither, but other people do and, sometimes, the result is disastrous.

I read a review for a popular anti wrinkle skin care product recently. The woman followed the advice on the warning label and tested it on her arm for a full ten days. On the 11th day, she awoke with a terrible itchy red rash.

The best anti wrinkle products don't have to be tested, because the ingredients are safe enough to eat. They've all been fully tested for adverse reactions and none have ever been reported. Yet, they are still very effective. Why use something that causes irritation, when other options are available?

Well, the common culprits are artificial preservatives and companies use them, because they have always used them. Changing would require a switch to different manufacturing methods and the use of natural preservatives like vitamin E.

All of that would cost money and time. They don't want to spend the money and they cannot afford to take the time. They have to spend money on advertising campaigns, after all.

If you buy anti wrinkle skin care lotions that are heavily advertised in print and TV ads, you are paying for that advertising. If the company has a celebrity endorser, you are paying that actor's salary. Even when the price is over a hundred dollars, which is not unusual, the cost is related to all of that marketing. The cost more often than not doesn't with quality ingredients.

The best anti wrinkle products are not advertised on TV. You will not see them in glossy magazine ads. They don't hire celebrity endorsers, although some celebrities have volunteered to use their creams and lotions, simply because they are that good.

The latest thing in anti wrinkle skin care is an unproven synthetic protein peptide that relaxes the facial muscles. The best ingredient is a natural protein peptide that encourages the production of new cells and fibers, while provide beneficial antioxidants and other nutrients that your skin cells need.

Once you find a natural wrinkle reducer , the time you spent finding the best anti wrinkle products will seem well spent. Give one a try, I'm sure you'll agree.