The Ways for Women to Supplement Estrogen

Estrogen plays an important role in keeping young and resisting aging for women. It can make the skin tender and resilient. However, with the time passing by, less and less estrogen will be secreted by women. Therefore, with women getting older and older, the skin generally loses its resilience and luster. If women want to resist aging, it is necessary for them to supplement estrogen by various ways. Therefore, how to supplement estrogen has been an important question for many women. In fact, a proper diet can supplement estrogen for women.

Women should drink a cup of soya-bean milk every day. According to the experts, women should pay attention to the supplementation of the foods like soy bean. The supplementation of estrogen by soy bean can not be reflected immediately, so the supplementation of soy bean should be started at an early age.

Self-made beverage can also be used to supplement estrogen. When the early symptoms of menopause appear, the symptoms caused by increasing estrogen can be reduced by drinking the water made by frying angelica. Women can also make use of hawthorn, dandelion and ginger to make tea to supplement the decreasing estrogen.

Royal jelly is also one of necessary materials to supplement estrogen for women. The experts propose that women should eat at least 10 grams of royal jelly to supplement estrogen. In addition, royal jelly plays an important role in moisturizing the skin. Therefore, women can regard royal jelly as a kind of component and add it into skin care products, by which estrogen can be supplemented and the effect of skin care can be achieved.

Except the ways mentioned above, anti-aging foods can also help women supplement estrogen and resist aging. Foods containing high protein, vitamin E and minerals can greatly improve the skin for women. Foods containing high protein mainly include lean meat, eggs, fishes, milk and soy bean. Protein is one of the nutrients the human body needs, and it can make the subcutaneous muscles resilient and well developed. Foods containing vitamin E mainly include peanut oil and cream and so on. Vitamin E in these foods can effectively prevent oxidation of the subcutaneous fat, strengthen the vigor of tissue cells and make the skin smooth and elastic. Foods like carrots, tomatoes, cabbages, apples and watermelons all contain abundant vitamins like vitamin A and minerals which can greatly strengthen the elasticity, flexibility and luster of the skin and prevent season check.