Effects of Celibacy

History appears to support the belief that celibacy is difficult since a number of religious personalities – the very people who supposedly abstain from sex - were involved in sex scandals.

The most notorious of these figures was the Italian Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) who bought his way to the papacy in 1492. Borgia once brought 50 prostitutes to the Vatican where he offered prizes to men who copulated the most times. His worldly and wicked ways eventually paved the way for the Protestant Reformation.

From “The Book of Lists”by David Wallechinsky, Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace, we learn that Pope Leo VIII died of a stroke while committing adultery, while Pope John XII plundered the church to support his gambling and mistresses which included female pilgrims. These examples show that for most people, including the clergy, sex is a vital part of life that can’t be ignored.

If you're one of the lucky few who has the willpower to be truly celibate, don’t count your blessings yet. Forced celibacy may affect your partner, especially if he or she does not approve of it. Psychological problems can result if this is done for a long time.

"Although celibacy is not physically harmful, it may be destructive to a relationship if one partner makes a unilateral decision to stop sexual relations - whether due to illness, physical disability, interpersonal problems or sexual difficulties - thus imposing celibacy on the other partner. When life situations entail long-term deprivation of sex with a steady partner, an individual may turn to masturbation (selective or partial celibacy) or seek random partners for release of sexual tension," according to Dr. Domeena C. Renshaw, professor of psychiatry at the Loyola University of Chicago - Strich School of Medicine in the journalMedical Aspects of Human Sexuality.

"Celibacy may lead to psychological problems. Some celibates who say they have no difficulty with sexual suppression nonetheless develop symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, somatization, or clinical depression," Renshaw added.

Thus, if you’re not prepared for celibacy, forget it! You don't have to torture yourself when there are other less demanding - and equally effective - ways of preventing pregnancy.

To enjoy sex in your later years, keep fit, eat right, and love life. That simple advice can go a long way in preserving your sex life. For extra help, take Fematril, a safe and natural female sexual enhancer that can stimulate your mind and body. For details, go to / .