Multi Vitamin for Women (multi Vitamin for Women)


Our Women's Formula contains a specially formulated combination of adaptogenic herbs, vitamins and minerals to meet the unique nutritional needs of women, while balancing the hormone system, stimulating the immune system and enhancing energy levels.

Best multivitamin for premenopausal women

Premenopausal women lose iron during menstruation, so experts recommend that women in this age group take a multivitamin with 18 milligrams of iron, such as Centrum from A to Zinc . This Centrum formula also contains 500 micrograms of folic acid,  which isessential for preventing neural tube defects (like spina bifida) in babies. Because the neural tube develops before most women know they're pregnant, experts recommend taking folic acid routinely during childbearing years.

This Centrum formula contains 3,500 International Units (IU) of vitamin A, of which 29% is beta-carotene. Experts say the higher the percentage of beta-carotene, the better, since too much vitamin A in the form of retinol palmitate or acetate (i.e., non-beta-carotene) can contribute to birth defects. Centrum from A to Zinc contains several other nutrients, which experts say aren't really necessary, but they won't hurt you. These include ingredients like nickel, silicon, tin and vanadium. Other ingredients, like lutein and lycopene, are advertised as preventing cataracts and promoting heart health, respectively, but experts say the small amounts in most multivitamins are too minimal to have much of an effect. In a 2007 survey by Pharmacy Times, 64.1% of pharmacists said they recommend Centrum to shoppers.

11 Antioxidant Protectors!

1. Vitamins A
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin E
4. Selenium
5. Green Tea Extract
6. Alpha Lipoic Acid
7. Lutein
8. Blue Berry Powder
9. Zeaxanthin
10. Cranberry Powder

11. Red Bean Powder

These nutrients are responsible for guarding the trillions of cells in your body. Right now, as you are reading this, free radicals are roaming throughout your body and are attempting to break into your snuff out life and promote the premature aging process.

These 11 potent antioxidants help protect your cells from free radical invasion by stopping and eliminating free radicals before they cause any damage. In short, they neutralize these cell destroyers before the can even penetrate the cell wall.

10 Vital B Vitamins!

1. Vitamin B-1
2. Vitamin B-2
3. Vitamin B-3
4. Vitamin B-5
5. Vitamin B-6
6. Folic Acid
7. Vitamin B-12
8. Biotin
9. Choline
10. Inositol

B-Vitamins are vital to your overall health. They provide for a number of important bodily functions, including:

  • helping to energize your body

  • responsible for the breakdown of macronutrients (carbs, fats, and proteins) consumed through diet

  • promote healthy hair, skin, and nail growth

  • fighting stress

  • muscle tone

  • intestinal health

In addition, your liver also depends on many B-vitamin compounds. These important water soluble nutrients protect this critical organ from certain environmental toxins and pollutants, while supporting its overall health. The B-vitamin family can also help to safeguard your immune system and assist in specific cognitive functions, like memory.

B-complex vitamins have also been shown to provide some relief from Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) in various research studies.

7 Bone Protectors!

1. Calcium
2. Magnesium
3. Zinc
4. Copper
5. Manganese
6. Vitamin D
7. Boron

Your bones are your body’s framework. Unfortunately, they can become weak and porous without you even knowing it. 99% of the body's calcium stores are found in your bones.

Our 7 bone-protecting nutrients will not only promote bone health and strength, but will also protect bones and teeth from becoming brittle. Considering that your body has 206 bones and 230 movable or semi-movable joints, maintaining bone-mineral density is critical for any long-term health program.

PMS Helpers!

1. Iron
2. Chaste Berry Extract
3. Cranberry Powder

P.M.S. and menopause are considered trying times for females. Fatigue, breast swelling and tenderness, headaches, food cravings, and mood swings; these are all symptoms which can take a toll on a woman’s psychological and physical well-being.

Our pre-menstrual and menopausal nutrients offer targeted nutritional support for your body during times of hormonal variation, while helping to protect against the possible onset of anemia. The selected herbs and vitamins in Balance Point can also do wonders in helping to maintain urinary tract health.

Research suggests that nutritional inadequacies or deficiencies may provide at least one explanation as to why women suffer from PMS.Our formula ensures that such inadequacies will not occur, as we supply your body with PMS-supporting nutrients and other important vitamins and minerals.

This will help to promote a gender-specific balance, by providing you with the nutrients needed by women for hormonal support.

3 Vision Helpers!

1. Lutein
2. Zeaxanthin
3. Vitamin A

Your vision is one of your most precious senses. Your eyes are your windows to the world. Unfortunately visual disorders often go unnoticed until the damage is done. Age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy cause an estimated 54% of all blindness in Americans over 40.

Other than having your eyes regularly examined by a healthcare professional, nutritional adequacy is the most important factor for maintaining ocular health. We have included the 3 most important eye-protecting nutrients in Balance Point : Lutein, Zeaxanthin, and Vitamin A.

5 Hair, Skin, & Nail Builders!

1. Silica
2. Citrus Bioflavonoids
3. Iodine
4. Calcium
5. Biotin
6. Vitamin E

Just like the body’s other important components, your hair, skin, and nails need to be adequately nourished as well. By providing your body with key nutrients that prevent premature cell aging, you are able to secure hair, skin, and nail health with Balance Point.

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