A Belly Band for Pregnant Women Keeps Fashions in Place and Provides Gentle Support

A belly band for pregnant women is a great device to have for many reasons. It can let you continue to wear those favorite jeans a bit longer. The gentle support helps keep you feeling good all day. You will not have to worry about pants that slip down or underwear that won't stay in place.

This type of product is designed to help ladies keep their clothing in place, regardless of which week or trimester they are in. In the first few months, there is a slight weight gain and ladies will begin to notice that they cannot zip up their favorite jeans. This product can be made of microfiber, lycra or a combination. The point of this item is to provide a smoother look with all types of fashions, whether pre-preganacy or specially designed maternity clothing.

Some women like to participate in their normal forms of exercise or take special classes, this device provides the additional support needed, while helping to reduce strain on the lower back. Its gentle stretch is not mean to flatten abdominal muscles. Many brands are wide enough that they can be worn up to the waist, or can be folded over, to provide additional support in the lower abdomen. Wearing the item in the folded position also helps keep a favorite pair of jeans in place, when they can no longer be zipped.

This product may be visible under shorter tops or blouses. For some ladies, the extra length can be used to provide a fashionable look of having multiple layers. It comes in a variety of light colors, such as white, tan and pink, so it can enhance fashion tops of many colors. The gentle elastic band can also help keep maternity fashions from falling, later in the pregnancy. Prices for this product range from around $20 to $40, depending on the brand.