How to Deal With a Vaginal Yeast Infection When Nothing Works?

I suffered from vaginal yeast infection for over six months. It had completely changed my life. My personal life suffered. I was not the same person I used to be. I had lost loads of confidence in myself and preferred to be left alone rather than being around with someone. I had tried almost everything from creams, gels and many medicines for treating my vaginal infection with no avail. Antibiotics did nothing to treat my infection. Finally what worked was my home cure plan to treat the infection naturally.

Statistically about 75% of all women will experience at least one vaginal infection during their life and many suffer from it on a recurring basis. However before you begin your treatment for this infection you must learn to recognize its symptoms on time and treat it swiftly. In the initial stages this infection responds very well to natural cures.

Symptoms of this infection include itching, burning, redness, and irritation of the vaginal area. Severe yeast infections may cause swelling of the vulva and in some cases women experience painful and/or frequent urination caused due to inflammation of the urinary opening.

Now for the cures which worked for me. What eliminated my infection for good were

a) Boric acid capsules

As soon as I got to know of the infection I used to insert a capsule before retiring to bed every night. I did this till all my symptoms completely subsided

b) Apple cider vinegar

I made use of unfiltered and unpasteurized vinegar which helps in balancing the natural pH balance of the vagina and keep a check on the Candida responsible for the infection.

I followed this plan of vaginal yeast infection treatment sincerely for around ten days. Within the first week itself my vaginal discharge had reduced and some of the other symptoms of the infection started disappearing. Within 10 days I was completely rid of the infection. I resumed my normal life and am today the old confident self that I used to be.

Are you serious about finding a natural cure to treat your condition? Do you want to know how to treat yeast infection once and for all? What you need is a home remedy which will not only eliminate your infection in matter of hours but will also get rid of all the symptoms of the yeast infection in a systematic manner. Discover how to naturally treat yeast infection by - Clicking Here