How to Get Rid of Foul Smelling Vaginal Discharge Fast

If you are aware of having a foul smelling vaginal discharge, it may well be that others have noticed it too. Very rarely is it as a result of poor hygiene, and you may have already discovered that no matter how many times you wash during the day, the smell never goes away. In fact you could just be making it worse!

There are a few simple steps which will help show you how to get rid of foul smelling vaginal discharge and very often, these are all that is required for you to regain freshness "down below".

Avoid Overwashing

Do not wash more than twice a day, no matter how bad the smell is. Overwashing can simply deplete the vagina's natural protective lubricants which will working hard to eliminate the bacteria causing the unpleasant smell. Stripping the area of these lubricants means that the body has to start again from scratch!

Avoid Perfumed Products

Never use perfumed products around the vaginal area, even when things seem normal. These can upset the natural balance which contributes to foul smelling vaginal discharge. You should always use a gentle, unperfumed soap.

Choice Of Underwear

Always wear cotton panties as these can allow some air to circulate around the vaginal area. Synthetic fabrics will trap warmth and moisture, thus creating the ideal conditions for bad vaginal odors to form.

Sanitary Protection

Pay particular attention to regularly changing your sanitary protection throughout your period as stale blood can cause a bad odor. In addition, ensure that you remove the last tampon of your period. Some women find it very helpful to wear a thin panty pad when they have foul smelling vaginal discharge, even when not on their period as they can absorb a surprising amount of odor and can be changed frequently and discreetly during the day.

If your vaginal odor is accompanied by a gray or white watery discharge and irritation around the vaginal area, you are very likely to have a common condition called bacterial vaginosis.

Although not dangerous, bacterial vaginosis is very unpleasant and if left untreated for a lengthy period can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. Prompt treatment is therefore always advisable. If you would like to read more about this condition and see three excellent home treatments, all of which are completely guaranteed to work quickly, please visit Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis You can be completely free of bacterial vaginosis within three short days and the treatments all include strategies to teach you how to get rid of foul smelling vaginal odor fast.