Menopause and Yeast Infections - Tips in Treating Them

Menopause and Yeast infections seem to go hand in hand. Along with the other symptoms of menopause, the hot flashes, mood swings, panic, insomnia, and bloating, a yeast infection is another thing that a woman has to deal with.

During menopause women experience vaginal dryness, which in turn increases a woman's chance of getting a yeast infection.

The medical term for any type of vaginal infection is vaginitis. The symptoms include: Itching, Burning, Painful urination, and Painful sexual intercourse. One of the most common vaginal infections is a yeast infection.

A yeast infection can be very debilitating, especially when you are dealing with the other symptoms of menopause. There are many tips and advice in learning, not only how to treat them, but also prevent them. One of the most basic contributors to getting a yeast infection is by having multiple sex partners. Everyone has a different PH system. By having multiple partners, the vagina is then forced to PH to each man's sperm. The use of foams, jellies, or other birth control can also be a factor in causing yeast infections. Limit the use of sprays or products that are not natural. Soap and water is the best and safest method in keeping the vagina clean.

Healthy bacteria in the vagina is used to remove fungus in the vaginal area. Limiting the use of antibiotics is also important because they kill the healthy bacteria used to remove this fungus.

Wearing cotton underwear gives the vaginal area a chance to breath. Since yeast need a warm, moist place to grow, wearing pure cotton allows moisture to dry, not giving the yeast a chance to grow.

Another way to fight yeast infections is how you keep yourself clean after using the restroom. Wiping from front to back allows you to keep the bacteria in the back from coming to the front.

If you are going through menopause and are suffering from a yeast infection, take cool baths to relieve the itching and burning. Avoid intercourse for a time, and never douche. The use of a douche also washes away the much needed bacteria used to remove fungus from the vaginal area. If necessary, use a vaginal cream, under the advice of a physician to determine which medication is necessary to treat your yeast infection.

Another good method in treating a yeast infection is by eating yogurt with the live cultures of acidophilus. Acidophilus restores the healthy bacteria in the vaginal area giving you more of a fighting chance to avoid chronic yeast infections cause by vaginal dryness during menopause.

Controlling the amount of sugar you eat in foods, such as sodas, candy, chocolate, and the like can also help you prevent a yeast infection caused by vaginal dryness. Since yeast eats the sugar, you are giving it food that will cause it to grow and spread. By reducing your sugar intake, you begin to starve the yeast giving your treatment plan a better chance to work.

During menopause, if you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you must speak to your physician to determine what the best course of treatment would be for you. It will also give you the knowledge of what foods to eat, and which foods to avoid during this transition. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoid dairy products.

Avoid the use of sprays, perfumes, and scented toilet paper on the vaginal area as they will upset the balance of healthy bacteria already present to fight fungus.

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