The Ways For Women to Avoid Painful Menstruation

Nearly each woman has the experience of painful menstruation. How to avoid painful menstruation is almost concerned by all the women. In fact, many small behaviors in our daily life can protect you get rid of painful menstruation.

The first method to avoid painful menstruation can be realized by proper diet. First, you must take a balanced diet, without eating too sweet or too salty foods. The foods which are too sweet or too salty will cause flatulence and make you slow-moving. In our daily life, we should eat more vegetables, fruits, chicken and fish as far as possible. In addition, it is better for us to have many meals but little food at each. During the menstruation, it is not suitable to eat the foods containing caffeine which can make you nervous. The oil contained in caffeine can also stimulate your small intestines. In addition, you should never eat cold or spicy food during the menstruation, such as ice cream and chili.

The second method is to do some exercises. Some moderate exercises and yoga are all good choices for women who are always suffering from painful menstruation. For example, yoga plays an important role in eliminating the pain. You can bend your kneels and sit on your heels, with the forehead plastering to the ground and the arms abutting on your body. You can try various postures and find the most comfortable one.

The third method is hot compress. During the menstruation, it is rather important for you to keep warm, especially to keep the pelvis warm. In order to keep warm, you can drink much hot water or you can use a hot-water bag cover the belly. Some minutes later, you can feel that your belly is not so painful any more.

The fourth method is to eliminate the pain through drugs. There are two kinds of drugs. One is vitamin drugs, and the other is anodyne. Vitamins, especially vitamin B6 , can effectively treating premenstrual stress, setting the mind at rest, improving sleeps and eliminating the pain of belly. If there are some women whose pain can not be reduced by vitamin drugs, they should go to hospital for treatment. When the painful menstruation starts, you can eat anodyne to relieve the pain. Effective anodyne can work after 20 to 30 minutes you take medicine, and the effect can last about 12 hours. But it is not the best way to avoid pain menstruation by drugs. If not necessary, you should rarely use anodyne or never use it at all.