Treating Uterine Fibroids Herbally - 3 Herbs to Help With Fibroids

Alternative practitioners have been treating uterine fibroids herbally for many hundreds of years and many conventional doctors acknowledge their usefulness in terms of helping give some symptomatic relief. However, be wary of claims that they can "cure" fibroids as there is no single treatment which can do this.

Fibroids form due to the interaction of a number of primary and secondary causes. As our bodies are unique, the effects of these vary from woman to woman and may or may not cause fibroids growth. It therefore follows that the only effective way to deal with fibroids is to eliminate the root causes and taking a herbal remedy cannot remove causes such as dietary and lifestyle issues, or fully remove a build up of toxins.

However, treating uterine fibroids herbally can help when used as part of a robust overall treatment strategy for shrinking fibroids and three effective and popular herbs are Chaste Tree, Red Raspberry and Motherwort.

* Chaste Tree-Helps to suppress estrogen production and rebalance hormones. It also has good antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

* Red Raspberry-Can be used to help with heavy bleeding and is thought to strengthen and tone up the muscles of the uterus. Additionally, this herb is a rich source of various nutrients including calcium, antioxidants and vitamins

* Motherwort-Can help to regulate the menstrual cycle, ease cramping and reduce heavy bleeding. A component in Motherwort can help to relax the uterine muscles, thus helping with cramps

Although herbs are natural, this does not necessarily mean they are safe. Many of our most potent medicines are from natural resources so you must always ensure that you obtain any herbs from a reputable source and take note of the recommended dosages.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Herbal Remedies For Fibroids Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and incorporates strategies for treating uterine fibroids herbally.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.