Menopause Changes- Do You Know What To Expect

Menopause changes or "the change" as it`s fondly known, can be a testing and sometimes traumatic period in a woman`s life.

Often symptoms will begin around the early 50`s – although they can appear in younger women – and range from mild bloating to ferocious migraines and depression.  Menopause also signals the end of a woman`s fertility, which in itself can be very upsetting.

As estrogen levels drop, monthly bleeds become erratic and then gradually taper off, until they stop altogether.  When a woman has not had a period for over one year, she enters the post menopausal stage.

Much is talked about the physical symptoms of menopause, but perhaps the psychological and emotional aspects are just as important, if not more so.

Ageing, in today`s youth obsessed society, is not something that is recommended.  But when a women also expands around the middle, notices new wrinkles every day and is at risk of incontinence and hair loss, it`s no wonder that mood swings and depression are prevalent in menopausal women.

This is when a strong support structure is vital.  Friends, family and partners each have a responsibility to be as supportive as is humanely possible, even though they are powerless to stop the march of time.  Although they may not feel as though they are contributing much, just to know that she is loved, will help a woman`s self esteem enormously.

And at the end of the day, it is all building up self esteem and having the confidence to face the world as a `mature` woman.  Wise, knowledgeable and ready to face the challenges of not only menopause,  but pf life in general.  For this time in a woman`s life can also be wonderful and exciting.  Providing that she remains open to knew ideas and focuses on all the new opportunities that will be available.