Menopause Hot Flash - I Beat Mine And You Can Too

What do you think is the most common symptom of menopause? Bloating? Depression? Weight Gain? Nope, the symptom that 3 out of every 4 menopausal women experience is the hot flash .

The UK call it the hot flush and this may be a more suitable name, as it involves the upper part of the body flushing a deep pink as the body readjusts its temperature. Some women experience only a slight flush to the cheeks, but for others, it can be a deeply uncomfortable and embarrassing event. In these cases, the chest turns pink and blotchy, and this spreads up over the neck face and even the ears. Usually the woman will perspire profusely and find that she desperately wants to escape the situation and cool herself down.  I have found that onlookers (husbands!) may sometimes find this deeply amusing, but let me tell you…it certainly isn`t. Although it does help to try and retain some sort of humor, it is not always possible.

When I was much younger, I would blush profusely if someone so much as glanced in my direction, it really was the bane of my childhood. Now I find that I experience the same feelings of helplessness and embarrassment about my hot flashes as I did back then.

The thing I find most distressing, is that there is not a darn thing that I can do about it! Once I feel the familiar clamminess preparing to invade my day, the best that I can hope for is escape to a cool area, where I can gather my dignity and composure. Usually, unless I can strip off and wash myself down, I have to spend the rest of the day sticky and uncomfortable.

But, it isn`t the end of the world, there is help at hand and lots of information. So get out there and try some of the weird and wonderful remedies available…and for goodness sake, please let the rest of us know how your get on.