Is HGH Safe- HGH and Safety Issues Solved!

Though HGH or human growth hormone is being hailed as the ultimate anti aging solutions there are concerns about its safety but let us first understand what HGH is.

HGH is a complex protein that is produced by your pituitary gland that is located at the base of your brain. It is made up of 191 amino acids and is often called the master hormone in your body.

This is because HGH controls and regulates all the other hormones in your body. Not only this, it is also the hormone that is behind all the growth processes in your body. The main function of HGH is to enable the liver to produce Insulin Growth Factor IGF1 which triggers tissue and bone growth throughout the body.

HGH is produced abundantly during puberty and adolescence but it begins declining after with age and this is what makes your body age.

Restoring HGH level can help you get back into the best of your health. HGH therapy not only slows down the aging process but also reverses age effects to a large extent. This can substantially improve quality of life.

Is HGH Safe

Though it is clear that HGH can help restore your youth, there are some issue regarding how safe can HGH be for your health and body.

For this purpose it is essential to know that HGH products can be classified into HGH shots, oral sprays and supplements.

HGH shots or injections are the only FDA approved form of HGH. However, they cannot be procured without a prescription and should not be take without the consent of a doctor. Not only this, there can be some serious side effects of HGH shots which can cost you your life. Side effects of HGH largely happen when there is excess of HGH in the bloodstream. However, what is disturbing is that it is extremely difficult to monitor HGH shots and no matter how carefully they are administered, they cannot mimic your body's natural hormonal cycles.

HGH oral sprays do not work and there is no technology to manufacture oral sprays form pharmceutical HGH.

HGH supplements, on the other hand, are a completely different issue. These supplements do not have any HGH. They are made with a blend of amino acids that help stimulate your pituitary gland so that it can increase the production and secretion of its own HGH. There are no known side effects of HGH supplements and it is known that they can help you look and feel much younger.

As such it can be said that HGH is safe provide you take it in supplement form.

Even then it is important that you choose a supplement that is clinically approved and endorsed by doctors.