Treating for Yeast Infection While Trying to Conceive

This article will, hopefully, give you an understanding of the question of treating for yeast infection while trying to conceive. I'll tackle the issues uppermost in your mind; whether it is possible to conceive with a yeast infection, whether it is advisable, whether it is safe, and, how best to treat the yeast infection.

Firstly, a yeast infection won't prevent you from getting pregnant. However, conception can be harder if you are using locally applied creams as an anti-fungal remedy since these impede the progress of sperm. But, just as important, there is a high risk of passing the yeast infection on to your partner through unprotected sex.

The best advice is definitely to stop trying to conceive until the infection is completely gone. i.e. If you have sex, make it protected sex, until you are completely cured. But sex while having a vaginal yeast infection can be very uncomfortable and painful. And the spermicide itself can encourage Candida.

So, either way, you first need to get rid of your yeast infection quickly and permanently. In other words it is best not to be treating for yeast infection while trying to conceive. Get rid of the yeast infection first, before you start trying to conceive.

How do we get rid of your yeast infection quickly and permanently? Most prescription and over-the-counter remedies can be very effective in the short term. Their downside is that they are drug-based and many just treat the symptoms and not the causes -- e.g. anti-fungal creams applied in the vagina -- while it is known that yeast infections can build up a resistance to the drugs. So many women -- more than 50% -- will have repeat infections throughout their lives.

To overcome this, many thousands of women have turned to using a completely natural approach, without any drugs and their potential nasty side-effects, and, are reporting a fast, permanent cure in hours.

Find out the secret of how you can get rid of your yeast infection naturally, safely, and, in hours by clicking here and start trying for your baby free from worry .