Monilial Vaginitis - What is It? What Can I Do About It?

Monilial vaginitis is a bacterial infection of the vagina caused by the yeast-like fungus 'Monilia'. It is the cause of more than 50% of all vaginal infections in women and can occur in females of all ages, but especially after puberty. The symptoms of Monilial vaginitis are; swollen and inflamed vagina / vulva, chronic itching, thick white discharge, painful urination, painful intercourse. Mainstream treatment usually consists of anti-fungal creams, suppositories and even oral tablets. Alternative treatments include things such as dietary changes, improved personal hygiene, lifestyle changes, and natural anti-bacterial home remedies.

Monilial fungi occur naturally in the vagina, rectum, mouth and other dark, warm, moist areas of the body, but we're only considering vaginitis here. They don't normally cause any problems because they are kept under control by the body's own beneficial bacteria. However, they can sometimes multiply to cause Monilial vaginitis, sometimes called 'vaginal yeast infection', 'vaginal Candidiasis' or 'vaginal Candida'.

They can multiply in the vagina because of things like; hormonal changes, acidity (pH) changes, lowered immune system, use of oral contraception, pregnancy, diabetes, antibiotic overuse (kills off the good bacteria), steroids, poor diet, recreational drugs, non-ventilating clothing.

Mainstream over-the-counter and prescription medication are anti-fungal to reduce the numbers of Monilia in the vagina. What they cannot do is to remedy the underlying causes of the Monilial 'overgrow'. So although they invariably give welcome short term relief, many women will experience multiple Monilial vaginitis infections.

A natural approach on the other hand is able to take in the whole spectrum; diet, hygiene, health, lifestyle, natural supplements, probiotics, nature's own anti-fungal remedies, etc. This more holistic approach, without the cost and side effects of drugs, is being taken up by more and more people around the world who are frustrated by the lack of real progress with drug-based remedies.

Here are some basic tips that can help; shower rather than hot tubs, use unscented soaps, don't use douches / vaginal sprays, avoid non-ventilating material panties, wear cotton panties, don't wear damp / sweaty underwear, don't sit around in wet swimwear, after the toilet wipe / clean from front to back never the other way.

These are just a small sample of what you need to do. For more information on a 100% natural treatment for Monilial vaginitis please go to . You could be free from your vaginal infection in hours.