Learning Stretch Marks Basics

Stretch marks are not a rare occurrence. Most individuals are aware of their existence. They are an undeniable problem in the lives of many; they're universal. Now even though everyone knows what they are....that doesn't mean anyone likes them. Nobody likes stretch marks.

And more than not liking them...many do NOT want to accept them. They don't feel as if they deserve this marking that disrupts their body's natural aesthetic's. The industry offers countless preventive solutions in the form of lotion and potion and cream and rub...but none of them seem to offer effective results.

Preventing the creation of stretch marks is tough; very tough. If it was easy someone would have figured it out by now. And if preventing stretch marks is tough...removing them is nearly impossible. At least it was until recently. The FDA recently approved the first Fractional Laser Treatment for stretch marks. The laser treatment is administered using Palomar's Lux 1540 handpiece.

90% of women in today's society have some (or many) stretch  marks. That is a very high number. It's safe to say from that number that almost all women have some form of stretch marks. And considering the high number of stretch mark instances...it is past time that someone came up with an effective treatment. Pregnancy is one of the leading causes of stretch marks. But it isn't the only cause. Weight gain , hormonal changes and puberty are all significant causes in addition to pregnancy.

The Lux 1540 handpiece by Palomar has been used in clinical studies. The study participants were able to experience 51 to 75% improvement. The treatments are comfortable. They cause almost no disruption to day to day activity.

Stretch marks are often found in areas typically covered by day to day apparel. Because of the hidden nature of the majority of stretch marks they often get ignored. But even while ignoring them...individuals suffer greatly from their very existence. Removal of stretch marks by the Palomar Lux 1540 is effective (the handpiece is also used to treat Melasma). The recent FDA approval of the handpiece for stretch mark treatment has offered cosmetic centers the tool they need to add effective stretch mark removal to their list of services.