Does KY Jelly Personal Lubricant Really Cause Yeast Infections?

A common question that women who prefer to use KY Jelly as their sexual lubricant of choice have is: "Does KY Jelly really cause yeast infections?" Unfortunately, there hasn't been any clinical or scientific research that has looked into the impact that personal lubricants have had on encouraging and promoting yeast infections in women which means that no one truly knows for certain.

However, one of the main ingredients in KY Jelly is Glycerin which many sex and health experts agree actually encourages the growth of yeast in the vagina which usually leads to yeast infections. Basically, the overall consensus is if you are currently using a personal lubricant like KY Jelly and haven't experienced a yeast infection then odds are you can continue to enjoy your own personal sexual lubrication of choice if you so desire.

Of course, if you are experiencing an increase in yeast infections or are concerned about maybe getting them in the future switching over to a personal lubricant that is glycerin free is going to be your best and safest option. At this time it appears as if the KY brand of personal lubricants doesn't have a glycerin free option which means you'll have to go with another brand of personal lubricant that is glycerin free.

Many women have discovered that Carrageenan personal lubricant is one of the most effective sexual lubricants on the market today and the fact that it is paraben and glycerin free is just a bonus. Carrageenan has a superior most like a woman's feel to it that makes it an excellent option for anyone looking to switch to a personal lubricant that is glycerin free and water based. Just in case you are curious you should also know that Carrageenan personal lubricant is are also all natural and condom compatible.