Useful Tips for White Heads

Acne is the most common skin disease that and a chronic condition that affect 85% of young and adults. Whiteheads are tiny and white raised spots, which are caused by the accumulation of hardened sebum or oil in the pores of the skin. The tiny cysts of whiteheads are formed due to the improper elimination of oil secreted from the grease glands.

Whiteheads appeared as the hard white spots. Whiteheads can be appeared on any part of the body but the most common area whereWhiteheads appeared in theareas around the face especially around the nose, cheeks, temples and forehead. Here are a few tips for whiteheads that can prove helpful if you want to get rid of this skin problem.

Useful Tips

You should apply home scrubs made of fruit peels. In this way orange peels prove best thing. Dry some orange peels in sun and make a powder of them. Now, add rosewater and milk cream to it and apply the paste on your face. Wash it off with massaging in opposite direction when it is half dried. It is helpful remedy to get rid of whiteheads from skin.

You should never try to remove the whiteheads forcefully. The reason behind this is if the pore is not open then this force can damage the skin tissue and results in infection. If you use a gentle exfoliating scrub once a week it will help to remove the surface debris thus preventing whiteheads. You should try using oatmeal and curd and scrub your face with this combination, it works wonders on whiteheads. Use only those products that contained less oiled or no oil

Eating habits

Try to drink lots of fluid and juices in your diet. Eat good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Drink a glass of warm water with a lemon juice every morning. It is helpful in detoxifying the body. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.