Herbal Remedies for Fibroids

Herbal remedies for fibroids have been used for many hundreds of years and have made quite a resurgence over the last few years. There is definitely a trend for using natural remedies, as these are often perceived to be less harmful and often less costly than more conventional treatments.

Fibroids are normally harmless solid growths which occur in and around the womb. They very rarely turn cancerous-indeed less than 0.1% will ever do so. However, although they are not dangerous in the medical sense, there is no doubt whatsoever that they can cause unpleasant, uncomfortable symptoms which detract from the sufferer's overall health.

<b>Symptoms of Fibroids</b>

Although many women go through life never realizing that they have fibroids, for many others the reality is very different and they may suffer from a number of the following symptoms:-

* A sensation of fullness or pressure in lower abdomen

* Painful menstruation

* Bloating, indigestion and wind

* Urgent need to urinate and occasional urinary infections

* Heavy bleeding during periods which can lead to anemia

* Sudden pain caused by the twisting of a pedunculated fibroid (those which grown on stalks)

If left untreated, these symptoms can persist for many years and will normally become more severe as the size of the fibroids increases. For people preferring to treat their symptoms naturally, herbal remedies for fibroids have been used very successfully and are most effective when used as part of an overall treatment plan.

For successful herbal treatments, it is important to look at your own individual circumstances to determine which are the best herbs for you and very often, multiple ingredients are combined to make a powerful herbal remedy for fibroids which is right for you.

<b>Herbs Commonly Used For The Treatment Of Fibroids</b>

The following herbs are often used in combination for the treatment of fibroids:-

* Spica Prunellae

* Concha Ostreae

* Rhizoma Sparganii

* Herba Dendrobii

* Semen Litchi

* Rhizoma Zedoariae

* Rhizoma Cyperi

* Sargassum

* Fructus Corni

Although tests by Chinese doctors have shown these herbs to be safe, they should only be taken as advised, as part of an overall treatment strategy.

If you would like further useful information about the various types of fibroids and treatment options, visit Types Of Fibroids To find out about the seven step plan which you can follow to shrink your fibroids quickly, take a look at Natural Fibroid Treatment Best of all, if you have any doubts that this will work for you, there is a 2 month, no questions asked, money back guarantee. This completely natural method of treating fibroids has been proven to be highly successful in dramatically reducing the size of fibroids. It teaches exactly which natural remedies are most powerful against fibroids and the best way to use herbal remedies for fibroids.