Anti Aging Skin Products Containing Antioxidants

If you are starting to notice that your skin is splotchy and what we many call "age spots" are developing, then you are suffering from the oxidation of your skin. Sunlight, pollutants, smoking and even a bad diet can cause the oxidation of the skin. The solution to such age spots is using anti aging skin products containing antioxidants.

The oxidation of the skin causes the release of free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms or molecules that are so unstable they end up damaging neighboring skin cells, causing further signs of aging. Antioxidants work by joining up with free radicals before they damage your cells. They are also helpful in restoring the natural chemical balance in already damaged cells, thus renewing your skin cells and giving your healthier, younger looking skin.

There are four specific skin care ingredients that contain antioxidants and will nourish your skin and aid its healing.

1. Cynergy TK- This is a new substance that adds moisture and elasticity to the skin. It was recently developing by a skin care company based in New Zealand. It promotes the healing of the skin by actually stimulating the body's natural production of collagen and elastin.

2. Active Manuka Honey- This is a specific type of honey that is rich in enzymes that act as antioxidants. Only the best anti aging skin products containing antioxidants use active manuka honey.

3. CoenzymeQ10- You have probably heard of CoQ10 as a dietary supplement, but it can also have beneficial effects when used in skin care products. For it to work it has to be refined into a specific form. This form is called Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. Nano means "small" and nano-lipobelle h-eq10 is an emulsion of vitamin E and CoQ10 created by grinding these large molecules down to a size that can easily be absorbed through the skin. It is filled with antioxidants and it is readily absorbed through all 7 layers of your skin, allowing deep healing and rejuvenation of the deepest layers of your skin.

4. Natural Vitamin E- This vitamin is an important ingredient in antioxidant skin care because of its powerful properties. Many skin care products contain a synthetic form of vitamin E that is not nearly as effective. Natural vitamin E dramatically reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

Antioxidant skin care with CynergyTK, active manuka honey, natural vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 in the nano-emulsion form is unbeatable when it comes to fighting free radicals. These ingredients are the latest in anti aging skin care because of their scientifically proven effects.

If you are serious about the health of your skin and you want it to heal itself naturally, then you want to use anti aging skin products containing antioxidants. Any skin care product containing the three antioxidants mentioned above will nourish your skin, protect it from damage and allow it to heal from the deepest layers creating softer, more supple and younger looking skin from the inside out.