Is Vaginal Reconstructive Surgery Something That A Woman Should Consider?

It is interesting to note how female sexuality in terms of body awareness has changed over the years. In early times, a woman only knew the basic functions of the reproductive system, and cosmetic aspects were not considered. However, nowadays women are very aware of their vaginal functions.

These are the women who, when they notice that their vagina is not quite the way that it used to be, start thinking about getting vaginal reconstructive surgery. Although vaginal reconstructive surgery is considered to be a primarily cosmetic procedure, this procedure can also help to solve anatomical problems.

First of all, it is important for woman to be aware of who would make the ideal candidate for vaginal reconstructive surgery. Usually, the right candidate is someone who has had the muscles of the vagina stretched out over time through having one or more natural childbirths. Additionally, because of the muscles being loosened, there is a chance that there could be visibly loose tissue.

When a woman finds out that she is going to be having a natural childbirth as opposed to a cesarean section, she is usually advised to do certain exercises in order to strengthen her vaginal muscles to prepare for the birth. Something that many women are starting to do is yoga, for example.

However, if a woman has a tendency to have large babies, and has had a couple of natural childbirths, it is sometimes harder for the vaginal muscles to return to the way they used to be. As a result of the loosened muscles, sexual intercourse becomes less satisfying, and if a woman also has loose tissue at the visual base of the vagina, she could loose her sexual self esteem.

Something else that women have experienced because of loosened vaginal tissue is incontinence. This is because the wall of the vagina borders the bladder. So, if the woman happens to do something like sneeze or cough, that is when the incontinence can occur because of the weakened muscles.

Vaginal reconstructive surgery uses lasers in a minimally invasive procedure to tighten the vaginal muscles, and at the same time get rid of excess tissue. Although this procedure is meant for women who have had children, there are some cases (which the surgeon will determine) in which women who have not had children can be considered candidates.

What basically happens in this outpatient procedure is that small incisions (that will not become visible scars later) are made and the doctor then uses a special laser device to tighten the muscles. Although the woman is cognizant during the procedure, she will not feel anything because of local anesthesia.

The duration of the procedure varies with each patient in accordance with how much reconstructive work needs to be done. When the procedure has been completed, some swelling and general discomfort might occur, but that can be rectified with medication. Additionally, the woman should wait six weeks before having sexual intercourse in order to allow the vagina to properly heal.