Ovarian Cysts Pregnancy- Is Your Ovary Cysts Affecting Your Baby?Hearing that you haveovarian cysts during pregnancyis very disturbing and worrying to say the least. It is very easy to find out if you suffer from cysts on ovaries with an ultrasound test. You should know that it is not unusual to develop ovarian cysts if you are pregnant. Finding out that you suffer from ovarian cysts during pregnancy should not scare you. If the cysts overgrow in size than there is a risk for the development of the baby. Also, the problem occurs when they ruptured or burst by themselves and creates you heavy pain or hemorrhage. Most of doctors will advise you to take a look for one month if the cysts grow in size. This can be done with ultrasound tests. If they do not shrink, than you may need to take either some pills, or surgery. The best time to have a surgery if you have ovarian cysts pregnancy is during the second trimester of your pregnancy. However, it is up to you to avoid taking the surgery until the baby is born. The main procedures of removing the cysts during pregnancy involve laparoscopy or open surgery if the cysts are very big in size(six to eight centimeters). Off course, you can try to reduce the size of ovarian cysts with natural remedies. This can act on the root cause of your problem and can help you heal them naturally. A hormonal imbalance is the main cause of developing ovarian cysts. Also a poor diet in green leafy vegetables can cause you cysts on ovaries as well as a diet rich in sugar. A hypoglycemic diet may help you get rid of cysts for life. |