Easy and Natural Ways to Beat Pms

Premenstrual syndrome is something that is familiar to almost all women all across the globe. It seems that three in every four women experience this problem days before the onset of their menstruation. The severity, however, differs from one woman to another.

There are various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, more commonly known as PMS, but the most common behavioral and emotional symptoms are anxiety, depression, food cravings or appetite changes, insomnia, tension, irritability and mood swings. Some of the physical signs, on the other hand, include breast tenderness, headache, diarrhea or constipation, fatigue, acne flare-ups, bloating and weight gain due to water retention.

Hormonal fluctuation due to cyclical changes is one of the main factors that contribute to this condition. In fact, many no longer feel PMS symptoms after menopause or pregnancy. Another major factor that is responsible for this condition is the rise and fall of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that is linked to mood changes. Experts believe that insufficient supply of this brain chemical can lead to premenstrual fatigue, depression, insomnia and food cravings.

According to experts, women who are in their late 20s to early 40s are the ones more prone to experiencing PMS. If you are one of the women who are plagued by the annoying symptoms of premenstrual syndrome for almost every month, do not fret. There are natural ways that can help ease the symptoms or even help banish them altogether. However, if you are one of the few who experience severe symptoms, particularly pain and depression, then you need to go to the doctor immediately to rule out other diseases.

Change Your Diet

In order to reduce bloating, it is best that you reduce your intake of salt and foods that are high in sodium. It is also best to pick foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Adding calcium into your diet is also a must. If you are lactose intolerant, you may get your calcium needs from other sources, such as spinach and broccoli or by taking calcium pills. Alcohol and caffeine-laden beverages should be minimized, if not avoided. Lastly, do not forget to take your daily vitamin supplements because some PMS symptoms are linked to deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals.

Exercise Is A Must

For the prevention of premenstrual syndrome and even for the improvement of your overall health, you need to incorporate exercise or other physical activities to your daily routine. Engaging in sports or even walking, swimming, jogging and doing any aerobic exercise for 30 minutes everyday can really lessen the severity of your symptoms and dramatically improve your cardiovascular health.

Manage Your Stress Well

Since PMS is riddled with behavioral and emotional symptoms, stress can trigger many of the signs of PMS. Depression, fatigue, anxiety and mood swings can easily be avoided by simply giving yourself time to unwind and relax. By making sure that you have ample snooze time can drastically reduce tension headaches, depression and other emotionally related PMS indications. Rest, recreation, and engaging in meditation techniques or activities are also good ways to ease stress.

Try Herbal Remedies

A lot of women rely on herbs or herbal supplementation to gain relief from the annoying premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Black cohosh, raspberry leaf and chasteberry are some of the common herbs used to minimize mood swings, fatigue, breast tenderness and other emotional symptoms. Meanwhile, for weight gain due to water retention, supplements with dandelion and green tea, can help in minimizing bloating. One product that contains dandelion, green tea and other herbs that are effective in flushing excess fluid in the body is Expelis. If you want to know more about Expelis, visit .