Cardiologist jobs: Are they worth it?

Think again, cardiologists work long hours, under intense conditions and hold people’s lives in their hands. It is a really challenging job and even though it pays well there is no way that I would do it.

I once knew a cardiologist with a mansion, a sports car and beach house. He was rich but miserable. He was always on call, never got to spend time with his family and found it hard to deal with the patients who didn’t make it.
Instead of getting a job as a cardiologist- why not think of a career that will give a better balance to your life?

Some good career choices are teachers, writers or book keepers. Then you get to have flexible hours and not have to worry about people dying.

The good side of being a cardiologist is that you get to help people. When you crack open someone’s chest and operate you give them a second lease on life. My father had open heart surgery when I was 19 and I am sure that he would have died without the quadrouple bypass surgery.

That said, his cardiologist was a complete jerk. He was arrogant, rude and did not spend a lot of time with my father. As it happens, caridologists that do not spend a lot of time with their patients are more likely to get sued. Cardiologists get sued because people often die either during or after surgery and their families get very upset.

I know that I would have been very upset if anything happened to my father. Thanks to the cardiologist he is alive but his recovery was very difficult.

The surgery was many years ago and I know that things are different now- instead of cracking open someone’s chest, doctors cut a small hole in the side and work through the rib cage. This is so much better because people have easier recoveries and less infections.

My father’s recovery was really difficult. He stayed in bed and I worked in the family business so that he could rest as much as possible.

My father is grateful to his cardiologist and was happy to get back to his job when he had recovered. Working at a job is important and without a good job you might end up at a cardiologist because you worry so much that you give yourself a heart attack.

It is best not to worry- even if you are a cardiologist that is looking for a job. It is a tough market for cardiologists and there are not a lot of jobs available. People are very picky about who they want to work on them and only want the best. If you are not the best cardiologist it is going to be hard to for you get more work and so work hard.