First Response Pregnancy Test

If you feel you may have become pregnant or indeed feeling or seeing the early signs of pregnancy, you will want to ascertain definitively whether you are pregnant or not. This will enable you to start your planning and seeking professional pre-natal care at the earliest opportunity. Either a pregnancy blood test or a home pregnancy kit will determine this for you.

Pregnancy test kits can be bought at practically at any retail store, grocery store or in mega stores like the Target or Walmart. Buying bulk pregnancy tests costs less but give same results like the well packaged pregnancy tests.

Companies Manufacturing Test Kits

Because implantation usually happens 6-12 days after ovulation, it is possible that you are testing too early, too soon. Various home pregnancy test manufacturers advertise their product as being foolproof. Clearblue Easy publishes on its website that Clearblue Easy can be used as early at 4 days before you expect your period, about 5 days sooner than waiting until you miss your period to test.

What Is The Best Time To Take A Pregnancy Test?

The HCG hormone secretion follows the fertilization of the eggs and placement of the embryo to the uterus. Medical experts choose this span of pregnancy when fertilization takes place as the best time to take the pregnancy test. The period after one week of missed period is identified as the phase when the embryo gets attached to the uterus and is considered the best possible stage of pregnancy to take the pregnancy test. However, building up of the HCG concentration can vary from one person to another.

Each home pregnancy test has a certain sensitivity to the pregnancy hormone hCG. This hormone is produced by the placenta after the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. The detection of this hormone is what makes pregnancy tests positive. There is no way to know of course when the embryo will attach itself, so by performing pregnancy tests too early you stand a good chance of getting a negative result when you really are pregnant.

When to take a pregnancy test is important, because if you test too early in your pregnancy, there may not yet be enough of the pregnancy hormone in the urine to provide a positive test result. Most of the home pregnancy tests will be 90% accurate if you wait and test yourself one day after your missed period is due. If you feel you are pregnant but the home pregnancy test is negative, repeat the test again in a week if you still have not had your period. And if you are still getting negative test results and think you are pregnant, be sure and see your health care provider right away.

Delivery Date

At this stage, pregnancy test routine is performed to know the due date or delivery date. Normally a pregnancy lasts for an average of 266 days from the date of conception. The doctors add 280 days to the date of first day of the last menstrual period to know about the due date or the delivery date. The actual delivery date can, however, be two weeks before or after the due date, calculated by the doctor.