Bacterial Vaginosis Questions and Answers

Has anyone ever used lactobacilli for a bacterial infection? Did it work?
I read that a little bit of lactobacilli with a bit of plain yogurt can help aid within ridding the body of bacterial vaginosis , I would just like to know if it actually works by someone who have actually used...

Vaginal issue, possibly bacterial vaginosis?? obligation some assist.?
This is very long in my head but I'll try and bring in it short. My girl friend and I have been together for a year. Between each other it have been our first time at everything. The first...

I presume my bacterial vaginosis come spinal column?
When I had my pap smear done in July, I found out I had bacterial vaginosis and my doctor give me some medicine for it. Now, I think the infection has come vertebrae because I've been having a lot of...

yeast infection/bacterial vaginosis?
i went to the doctor 2 months ago with a yeast infection and the doctor gave me one pill to lug because she said it was only a mild infection and probably caused by antibiotics i be on before. over the...

Bacterial Vaginosis reoccuring?
I have had several cases of Bacterial Vaginosis. The most recent case I in recent times did a 7-day cream treatments and it was entirely gone and I waited 3 days until it was fully out of my system. ...

How soon do results of BV interview come pay for?
I am due to see the doc in an hour. I am requesting a test for UTI as well as bacterial vaginosis as I own been having a lot of discharge and sometimes it burns a bit when I pee. Also...

please give support to. somewhat degrading. serious request for information!?
okay. i had bacterial vaginosis. and a yeast doctor gave me Flagyl and Gynazone 1 to treat these.All the symptoms went away for roughly speaking a week, and nowthey're back. I have impossible to tell apart symptoms.Yellowish tint to my...

Can Bacterial Vaginosis dwindle the uncertainty of getting pregnant?
If left untreated it is possible that it could but I would recommend checking with your doctor as well to see what they say-so.

Vaginal Burning I enjoy have vaginal burning for almost 3 months ?
I have had vaginal burning for almost 3 months now I hold HSV 2 and I have tested negative for all other STD's and yeast and bacterial Vaginosis. I am not have an outbreak and have been check several Times for...

Bacterial Vaginosis Question, Please Help !?
So I'm 90% sure I have bacterial vaginosis, I've been searching it up online and my symptoms clash. I have the fishy odor, and the yellow discharge, and had the itchy/irritated vagina since that. I've had this for about a month...

What can grounds brown discharge?
Can bacterial vaginosis cause brown vaginal discharge? If not, what could cause it? I am not sexually active and I'm not on birth control. What test will they do for it? A week after my period ended,...

Vaginal Odour won't travel away. Please singular nice folks.?
My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. Since we started dating and having intercourse I enjoy been getting Bacterial Vaginosis. It is treated with antibiotics then it go away for a month then comes back again. Finally I...

How do I treat my bacterial vaginosis?
I went to the doctor yesterday and she told me I had bacterial vaginosis and she gave me some cream for it (similar to treatment for yeast infections) The directions werent clear on how long to maintain it in there,...

How to treat bacterial vaginosis?
I went to the doctor yesterday and she told me I had bacterial vaginosis and she gave me some cream for it (similar to treatment for yeast infections) The directions werent clear on how long to save it in there, or...

Bacterial Vaginosis?
Well, I had a case of bacterial vaginosis a couple months ago and was treated for it. Although what I be experiencing is still there. There's no more itching and no pain, burning whatsoever. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, but...

Bacterial Vaginosis and Clandesse?
At the gyno. yesterday my doctor said I had BV and gave me some Clindeese. It was a one time use cream (applicator)...There be no instructions on how long to leave it on...or how long it would take to work. From...

Could this be bacterial vaginosis or pelvic inflammatory disease?
for a while now, about a month or two...maybe 3, i enjoy noticed an increase in discharge. it varies surrounded by color, sometimes clear, sometimes white, yellow, and grayish. Also i have noticed it have a foul odor. ...

can you treat bacterial vaginosis while pregnant?
i just found out that i am pregnant but i think i could have a bacterial infection ~ ive be treated twice but i still have symptoms. im just wondering if it could have an effect on my pregnancy & could...

I conjecture I may hold Bacterial Vaginosis?
Last month, after my period I still had light cramping (that's never happen before) It lasted for about 2 days. I also had more discharge than usual. At first I basically thought it was because my period was finish, so I...

What happen if someone have Bacterial Vaginosis when her tot is one born? ?
Just wondering! I have been trying to get rid of the infection, but I lone get about 2-3 weeks relief and it comes final! I was just curious..does anyone know? Thanks. I had the germs, they just put you on meds...

Bacterial Vaginosis ? Is this considered an STD ?
My girlfriend was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. Every site I look at on the web have it listed as an STD. She has been flaccid around one of her guy friends alot and his girlfriend also had it a few...

what are types of STD`S and what are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
a yellow discharge after menstrauation with some blood clot and abdominal pain ? what is that Women beside BV may have an abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Some women report a strong fish-like odor, especially after intercourse....

Done taking Metronidazole gel for BV?
First off....I had an itching problem and thought it was a yeast infection so started taking the 7 days treatment but after the 6th sunshine still didn't clear up so went and saw the doctor and she told me i had...

query in the order of bacterial vaginosis?
I had this once while I was pregnant with my daughter, and I'm TTC and wonder if I enjoy it again. There is a slightly unpleasant odor "down there" after sex and I know that's a symptom, though I don't...

what is wrong beside me? hugely frustrated. serve please. ?
i am going to try to explain this as simple as possible...bear with me. this has be going on for three months now. it all started as a bacterial infection. i took antibiotics for that (flagyl), the infection...

Has anyone else have nouns next to Rephresh?
For about six months i have been dealing next to constant bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. my gyno diagnosed both and gave me a prescription. it worked, about at 80% of what i was expecting. After tons of acidophilus and vitamins...

is it another yeast infection?
I recently was on birth control pills, but i was ordered to stop by my doctor. Because my term came on heavy twice in a month. Before that i have a yeast infection. i took o-t-c medicine for that. After my...

a few question roughly perineal pat...10 pts!?
i don't know whether i tore or had an episiotomy with my son, will perineal massage still be forceful in preventing a tear for this, my second, baby? how do i do it--or how did YOU do it? lol i've...

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