Fitness Inspiration

Ultimately a fitness program or a workout should be fun, otherwise it we simply wont want to do it. I have been working out since I was kid, starting with sports and then I took things into the gym. I know how difficult it can be trying to keep it interesting and consistent.

As the owner of Calgary Corporate Fitness, I always try to ensure that all our programs are fun and dynamic, combing a variety of different challenges, incentives and program  in order to encourage participation.

Today I thought I would share with you a few ways to stay inspired.

Training Logs

A journal allows you track where you started and gives perspective on progress, what's working, what's not and keeps you on track to meeting your goals.

Some important things to consider tracking are;

  • Type of workout (duration/miles/special workout)
  • Effort Level (food and drink consumed before, during after your workout)
  • Weather
  • How you felt
  • You can find them at Chapters or

Workout Buddy

Many studies have indicated that having and exercise partner will increase the odds that you'll sick to a program.  The daunting workout goes by much faster when you have a friend to talk to, plus it keeps you accountable. Knowing you made an appointment to meet up with someone, means  your less likely to cancel on them and yourself!


An aerobics class is a good example of how powerful music can be when it comes to workout  performance.  Certain types of music can help lower the perception of fatigue and enhance feelings of vigor and excitement.  Find music that motivates you and make yourself a few workout playlists and save them to your iPod.

Corporate Fitness Programs

Since we spend most of our waking hours at work, getting a workout in at work allows for more family and social time. Have your company organize a group fitness class of some sort, or have on-going fitness challenges every other month promoting something new. Participating in such events will help you stay consistent and motivated.

Make Plan, and Stick to it!

It's important  to have a goal, and make a plan. This is your road map and without one you can't really know where your going. And If you don't know how to achieve your goals you can get help! Personal Trainers specialize in effective program development that can be specific to individual needs. You just have to want it!

So there you go my friend. Decide. Commit. Achieve.

Yours In Health

Sarah Long,

Calgary Corporate Fitness Trainer