Vaginal Pain Can be Intolerable

When our bodies can not handle too much discomfort due to vaginal pain then the most important thing to do is to take it to the doctor to do his job. Although women are said to be the weaker sex, this can be considered ironic reflecting on the pain she has to go through with the birthing process only to be reciprocated by some undeserving punches by the so-called father after reporting home at the morning. As if this pain is not sufficient, she then has to deal with intolerable in the same wretched organ after the birth either internally or externally.

Vaginal pain is experienced typically during sexual intercourse. A considerable vaginal pain case can be linked to a health problem that would automatically demand medical intervention. I have seen many women suffering bladder problems after giving birth and they have reported having experience dire lower belly pain and lower back pain. This will then progress to the vagina when passing urine or having sexual intercourse. Nonetheless the vaginal pain could be complicated by leading a stressful life style resulting to anxiety and emotional strain. So in fact the major effect of one experiencing vaginal pain is sexual dysfunction which might result to marital infections.

Chronic vaginal pain possible causes of symptoms include ovarian cysts, endometrial and cervical cancers, pelvic inflammatory disease, and uterine fibroid among others. But then when one can exactly spot the parts and after what actions they become very painful then seeing a doctor will be the next important step. There some women who experience extreme pain during their periods in form of cramps. However one experiences severe pain in the pelvic bone, rectal pain during bowel movement, bloody spots on the stool, these should be enough reasons to seek medical intervention.

If by any chance if he blames any vaginal infection for this vaginal pain, then the next step must be the one of treating the underlying causes. One may opt to take the doctor's prescription in the hospitable, purchase the over the counter medication or decide on what indoor remedy to use. Whichever one chooses the aim should to get better any way. Due to these vaginal infections the victims might experience painful abrasions and pain that automatically results to vaginal pain.

The yogurt is one of the best remedy that could be used to sooth these abrasions and inflammations both externally and internally. It should be easy to apply because one need only to trace a pot of plain yogurt and then dip a tampon there and then inserts it inside. He must also massage some of it over his vaginal walls and the swollen vulva. The other important herbal remedy is garlic that should be inserted as a clove or rubbed to the sores. Others include the cranberries, tree oil, and aloe Vera among others. What is more a woman must discontinue sex when she is experiencing vaginal pain until the symptoms subsides. She must also ensure good hygiene practices so as prevent persistent vaginal infections causing vaginal pain.

This is an original article written by Esteri Maina on /?p=47" VAGINAL PAIN Esteri Maina is an author with a great gift and full of inspiration.