Prolonged Contact With Semen is a Cause of Yeast Infection

coming into contact with semen over a prolonged period can be a cause of yeast infection. At this time the delicate balance of your vagina can be destroyed. Normally the case is that the acidity of your vagina is highly inhospitable towards semen. The only way the semen survives to make its way through to the cervix is because of the little protective shield it has that should guard it from the acidity of your vagina. This is also the reason why only a very few of the semen makes it through without being destroyed in the process. However, prolong the bouts of contact that your vagina has with semen and you will find that the balance is turning.

The acidity levels inherent in the vagina will fall away as the semen comes into contact with its walls over and over again. This in turn will pave the way for the yeast bacteria to grow and flourish, which in turn will be a cause of yeast infection. So although I wouldn’t recommend that you go without, I would suggest that maybe you avoid marathon runs which will result in your having prolonged contact with semen.

Yes prolonged contact with semen is a cause of yeast infection, but you can also get a yeast infection by passing it along to your partner through sexual intercourse. For the most part, this is how male yeast infections will occur. It will pass from you to your partner and sometimes even back again. That’s why it’s a good thing if you can stop all sexual relations until your yeast clears up. After all that’s said and done it’s better to have a short period of abstinence in your life than to have to be continually guarding against a recurrence of yeast just because you passed it along to your partner.

This can sometimes have a ping pong effect where you might first have the yeast infection and pass it along to your partner, who in turn will get it, and who in turn will pass it back to you. However, although you can get yeast infections through sexual intercourse, yeast infections aren’t considered as a sexually transmitted disease.