Want to Get Rid of a Smelly Vagina - Great Tips For Coping & Eliminating the Odor Completely

Fishy vaginal smell is one thing that is difficult to put up with. It stays with you wherever you go and whatever you do. You become self conscious and embarrassed to discuss the issue even with your own partner. This article is for all those who are desperate and figuring out how to get rid of a smelly vagina.

Fishy vaginal smell is normally a common symptom of bacterial vaginosis. Conventional medication for vaginosis kills off all the bacteria in your vagina including the good ones required for a healthy vaginal flora. Left with zero defense mechanism the infection recurs immediately after the effect of the medicine wears off. Hence it is pointless to consider conventional medicines for vaginosis cure.

Try using these simple home cure tips which are bound to provide lasting relief from vaginal smell

a) To maintain a healthy vaginal flora take at least 5-6 cups of plain natural yogurt every day. You can take the probiotic variety orally or use live-culture sugar free yogurt for direct vaginal application. Daily intake of probiotics is useful to stay away from bacterial infection in general.

b) Apple cider vinegar helps to re-establish the acidic conditions in the vagina. For making use of vinegar for vaginosis cure mix two cups of cider vinegar to your warm bath and soak in it. Alternatively you can take cider vinegar supplements too.

c) Completely do away with sugar, milk and yeast in your diet since these are known to boost the growth of bacteria responsible for vaginosis.

d) Take vitamin D supplements every day for a month or so. This is basically to strengthen your natural immune system and equip the body to fight off infection causing the fishy vaginal smell on its own.

In addition to the above self help tips there is excellent help available online on how to get rid of a smelly vagina. I got rid of my recurrent vaginosis by making use of an online guide which has been developed by a chronic sufferer herself. It gives excellent tips to get rid of this infection once and for all and also provides preventive measures to keep the infection at bay.

Want to get rid of vaginal smell permanently? Did you know a) There is a proven natural technique which will help you to get rid of foul vaginal odor in just 3 days b) Developed by a chronic sufferer, this scientific method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in 3 days. To get rid of chronic odor click - bacterial vaginosis bv