My BV Struggle - How I Overcame Recurring Vaginosis

I used to constantly suffer from all sorts of infections. This included bacterial vaginal infections too. Initially I tried changing my tampons and sanitary protection under the impression that these were the primary cause of vaginosis or bv. However it did not help. My infection used to flare up or reappear immediately after sex or periods.

Sometimes I was able to detect the infection because of the fishy vaginal odor associated with the infection. Other times it used to be the excessive discharge and vaginal itching. Medicines did nothing for my vaginosis cure.

It was simple vaginosis home cures which finally gave me the much needed relief. The infection has not come back - I am free from bv and not suffering anymore.

Here is what I did to get rid of my recurring vaginosis

1. Douched with 3 table spoons of hydrogen peroxide 3 table spoons mixed with a liter of distilled water. Basically this douche creates an oxygenated environment in your vagina which the good bacteria need to thrive in and the bad ones get eliminated. I did this for about 4-5 days. My BV was gone by the end of the 5th day.

2. To prevent the infection from recurring I also took certain "maintenance" steps. This included 3 acidiphilious pills whenever I douched - once a week or once in ten days. I also take two of these capsules orally even when I don't have BV. To keep BV at bay at all times this simple vaginosis home cure is very effective

3. Since my recurring vaginosis used to always appear after sex I ensured that I always made use of the hydrogen peroxide douche after intercourse.

4. The last important aspect for vaginosis cure is to stay away completely from in your diet since the bacterium responsible for this bacterial vaginal infection thrives on sugar and sweets.

Do you want to get rid of bacterial vaginosis bv permanently? Did you know that a) There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of bacterial vaginosis in a matter of under 3 days b) This technique has effectively saved the sex life of thousands of women the world over including me. Having been developed by a chronic vaginosis sufferer, this scientifically proven method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in just 3 days. To get rid of recurring vaginosis permanently please click - bacterial vaginosis bv