Early Pregnancy Symptoms - Imagined or Real?

If you're like most women who are trying to conceive, you spend each month obsessing over your possible early pregnancy symptoms. But it can get to a point where you are actually starting to imagine the symptoms that, in reality, aren't really there. Instead of disappointing yourself yet again, try to take an objective look at your symptoms.

So, exactly how do you stay objective while keeping track of possible symptoms?

1. Keep a journal of possible symptoms each day of your menstrual cycle. Feel free, at this point, to write down even the most insignificant symptom, because looking back you may see a trend or something that sticks out to you. Some possible symptoms would include spotting, fatigue, breast tenderness, cramping or bloating. Some possible insignificant symptoms would include headaches, pinching sensations in the abdomen or bluish veins appearing in the breasts.

2. Have a significant person in your life be honest with you about their observations. Someone who sees you every day may notice that your coloring has changed or that you seem more tired than usual. Even things we don't notice in ourselves may be noticed by someone from the outside. Don't put the thought in their head by asking if they've noticed something in particular, but rather just ask them generally if they notice anything different about you.

3. Along with any symptoms you notice each day, write down any events occurring in your life that may explain them. For example, if you write down fatigue as a symptom, but also notice that you have a sore throat, you may want to make a note to yourself that you are possibly coming down with a cold.

It is very important to not only take an honest look at your possible early pregnancy symptoms, but to also look at them as a whole. Many symptoms are very similar to an impending menstrual cycle and so you have to be careful not to automatically assume that a symptom is an absolute sign, one way or another. Carefully listen to your body, but when all else fails, time will give you an absolute answer.