The Complications Of Abortion In Women

Abortion is the technical term used to refer to the “termination of pregnancy by loss or destruction of fetus before birth.” Abortion can be done in two ways: spontaneous and induced. Spontaneous abortion is more popularly known as miscarriage, and it occurs when the embryo fails to develop when there is complete or incomplete discharge of products of conception. On the other hand, induced abortion is an intended abortion to terminate pregnancy. The latter is considered an act with ethical and legal consequences.

There is a limited knowledge among women on the after-effects of abortion, and many are not fully aware of the tremendous complications of abortion to health,  the injuries, the illnesses and other things that may take place in a woman’s body after having an abortion.

Here are some of the complications of abortion to women’s body:
Breast Cancer. Studies show that breast cancer development is related to a the unprotected exposure to estrogen of a women’s internal system when a pregnancy is suddenly terminated in early development. Overall, the risk of breast cancer on women increases by 30 percent when they have undergone abortion. It is likely much higher than women who have a family background on breast cancer.
Cervical Injury. Severe cervical lacerations may result to damage in the cervix and may lead to cervical incompetence, which may result to miscarriages.
Complications on Child. A 14 percent increase on a possibility of a premature birth after an abortion. Abortion may increase the risk of problems in later pregnancy. Abnormal development of the placenta in future pregnancy may occur, thus fetal malformations, disabilities, and other complications on offspring may take place.
Ectopic Pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is the one that occurs at a site other than inside the uterus, such as in the fallopian tube. This is due to the complications and incompetence of the uterus. This is seriously life threatening for both mother and child.
Excessive Bleeding. The amount of bleeding increases after abortion. Excessive menstrual blood loss occurs and often passes blood clots during expulsion of pregnancy. This is due to change in hemoglobin concentration, which is abnormal in a woman’s homeostasis. If the excessive blood loss becomes severe, transfusion or surgical operations are to be done.
Problems on Labor. Women who had undergone abortion are 2.03 times more likely to have successive pre-term delivery compared to women who continue pregnancy up to term. Abortion does not only increase the risk of premature delivery but also increases the risk of delayed delivery.
Uterine Perforation. Women who have had an abortion may suffer perforation on their uterus. This is most common if there is any malpractice in the abortion procedure. If undiagnosed and untreated, uterine damage can lead to other problems such as complications in later pregnancy, or worse, may cause to infertility.
Death. The worst of all complications, this may be due to multiple health complications a woman may suffer after the abortion. Most causes of death in women who had undergone abortion are hemorrhages, embolism, and infections. A study conducted in Finland states that women who abort are about four times more likely to die in the following year than women who carry pregnancies to term.