How To Fight Menopause Weight Gain

Menopause can be a strange time for most women.  Some women (like my mother) manage to breeze through it without so much as a hot flush or even a sweat!  But others have all the symptoms and more.  But one of the most annoying symptoms of menopause is weight gain.

You may have managed your weight quite well your entire adult life.  Balancing the weekend overeating with a few cut backs during the week and everything would be back on track right?

Well then you get to menopause and it is not alright.  Suddenly your waistline is getting thicker and you just don't know what to do.

The problem is, that as we get older, we don't need the same calories that we used to, but your brain still thinks we do!  We have to retrain our brain and do a few tweaks to our diets.  I don't mean cutting back on your favorite foods, but a few tweaks to help you shave 250 calories per day.  If you can do that you will lose a pound every 2 weeks.

One easy way is to cut cheese off of our sandwich, or at least switch to low fat, and switch mayo for mustard, and you will have most of the 250 calorie savings right there.  Change out a few soft drinks for Crystal light type thing that you can add to water, and you are well on your way to losing those extra pounds.  It doesn't take much tweaking to convince your body to give up the weight.  You could also add a few more walks with your dog to help with the waistline.