Astounding New Therapy for Temple Headache Migraines

About ten percent of the planet's population suffers from a condition known as a temple headache. The symptoms include a debilitating stabbing discomfort generally on one side of the head surrounding the temple or eyes. It can be accompanied by nausea and vision problems as well. Many individuals complain of blurry vision, double vision, seeing sparks, flashes of light, and zigzags of light. If you are experiencing some or all these symptoms, you are most likely afflicted by a temple headache [ which is really a kind of migraine ].

The typical temple headache comes on quickly and lasts two to three hours. But, some unlucky individuals, can suffer from this excruciating pain for 2 or 3 DAYS. And that is an awful long time to be suffering discomfort.

So, what causes a temple headache? Customarily It is brought on by one of the following triggers:

Being over-tired
Certain medications
Certain odors
specific foods
Monosodium glutamate [ commonly called MSG ], is assumed to be an element in the root of a temple headache for many of us. MSG is frequently used in Chinese and Asian cuisine.

While most everyone experiences a headache at some time in their life, it normally goes away after taking a pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen. So, if your first thought was to take an over-the-counter pain medication, forget it. This classic remedy has little effect on a temple headache. But this doesn't suggest that you need to suffer with the agony.

One of the quickest, easiest and cheapest things you can do is to apply a cold compress to your head at the 1st signs of a temple headache. Many folks claim that this is extremely beneficial if you start the cold compresses straight away. As an alternative, you can splash cold water onto your face.

Personally, I have had success using an easy three step process called The Migraine Solution. It eased the agony for me in a matter of minutes. Although I realize that there is no single cure that works for everyone, The Migraine Solution was really effective for me.

Discover how to eliminate YOUR temple headache migraines for good! Get more information on this quick, permanent migraine solution at Temple Headache Cure!