Over the Counter Uti Treatment

You can buy numerous over the counter UTI treatment strategies for from pharmacies. However, they can work out very expensive and get mixed reviews. Some are no more than nutrient-rich supplements which, although they may be good for urinary tract health, they will not provide a fast cure.

I don't want to take antibiotics - What other options are there?

There is an alternative to using antibiotics and to using an over the counter UTI treatment. Before trying anything though, it is a good idea to ensure you have already tried these simple measures which can be effective for mild symptoms:


  • Avoid tight trousers or hosiery.
  • Wear cotton pants.
  • Take showers rather than baths.
  • Avoid perfumed products around the vaginal area.
  • Place a heat pad on the abdomen. The warmth will help with the pain.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Urinate when you feel the need to, even though this may be painful.
  • Do not allow yourself to become constipated. This can put pressure on the bladder.
  • Eat a portion of Acidophilus yogurt daily as this can help "healthy bacteria" grow.
  • Take a vitamin C supplement to help strengthen the immune system to fight bacteria.
  • Drink cranberry juice each day. This has a component which can help to stop bacteria adhering to the bladder walls.
  • Include the following fruits and vegetables in the diet: onions, spinach, carrots,potatoes, zucchini, squash, broccoli, green beans, avocados, grapes, apples and pears. These have been shown to help combat certain types of bacteria.


If you have already tried these measures or if you are in pain, you can of course try an over the counter UTI treatment. Once you have chosen a product, there is no guarantee it will work. Nor will you receive a refund if it doesn't!

The Alternative

There is a different cure which you might like to take a look at. It is detailed on the link below and comes with a full money back guarantee should it not work exactly as promised. The pain will begin to subside within just a few minutes and you should be completely pain free by the next morning.

It has repeatedly shown to be more effective than any over the counter uti treatment available and is extremely straightforward to implement. take a look at the link below


Natural Cure For Urinary Tract Infections