Start Your Own Lose Weight Plan Now

WHAT YOU NEED TO START:All you need to start your weight loss program is this information a note book and some motivation within yourself. Nothing ventured nothing gained is my motto. Serious all you need is to be willing as well as wanting to lose weight and you will achieve exactly that.


First thing you want to start with is watching the food you put in your body. No you not have to starve yourself either this is harmful to you and your body and it is not recommended. DO NOT DO IT.

Secondly you want to learn what your calorie allowance is for your day stick by that counting the calories in what you eat is very effective to lose weight right away.

Thirdly you want to learn the recommended exercise regime you need to do to effectively burn the calories you need to burn weight properly. Did you know you have to burn More calories than you actually eat?


Now we have a place to start you want to wright in your book to eat healthy Low calorie foods, cutting out as much if not all junk food. Then step 2 in you weight loss plan you want to outline a few healthy foods you should be eating for breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks that are healthy and wont effect your weight loss regime. I told you you do not have to starve yourself. I will outline a few healthy options of different foods for you for an idea of what you can actually eat.


BREAKFAST:Have a bowl of Special k a low fat yogurt and a smoothie. Always eat brown instead of white bread never eat muesli or any cereal with raisins (these contain too many calories), bet you did not know that? And also stay away from sugary cereals obviously. You could also have a quarter melon and a couple slices of brown toast, always using low-fat butter and such.

LUNCH:Have a brown bread turkey salad sandwich, (turkey has lower calories and fat than chicken.) Having a smoothie or a diluted drink is always a better option than fizzy drinks. Also for lunch you could have a cold pasta salad you prepare yourself or just a healthy bowl of soup with a couple slices of soda bread.

DINNER:There are a lot of options here for dinner key thing to remember is if you eat healthy and properly, you can and will lose weight more effectively. Fish is always a good healthy food to eat it`s full of omega three and proteins that your body needs. Boiling potatoes and a side of veg would go well with the fish, do not over boil vegetables as this cooks out all the vitamins. Also if your a chicken lover, try converting to turkey, this has far less fat calories and salt than chicken does, steamed veg is always highly recommended and Delicious too. Remember cut out salt and sauces these are a disaster to your healthy living. (Make your own tomato sauce without the salt.

HEALTHY SNACKS YOU CAN EAT:Protein bars sugar free jello olives soy chips or crisps, orange slices frozen grapes tuna without mayo, sunflower seeds cherry tomatoes walnuts smoothies, green salad broccoli florets air popped popcorn without butter oil and salt. The list goes on but think like that.


WOMEN:For average adult women the calorie intake should not exceed 2,000 per day.

MEN:For average men the calorie intake should exceed 2,500 per day.

Remember to count your calories that is indicated on the back of all food packaging. Do not exceed this calorie allowance an do the relevant exercise you are going to loose weight fast, safely effectively and efficiently without starving. People have been reported to actually gain weight by starving them selfs, you need food for your body to function properly. You need healthy food to lose weight and be well.

We are well on our way to having a proper weight loss plan that anyone can follow continue now to step three below.


you have to consider burning more calories than your daily food intake to effectivly lose weight properly. Say you eat 2000 calories a day, you then lose 2000 calories exercising, you will stay the same weight. Knowing that you need to burn more than you eat as you see from the simple conversion. Also to note is that there is 3,500 calories in a pound of fat and this stays the same for food intake aswell as burning calories. So say you eat 3,500 calories "which is more than you should," you will gain a pound of fat. Burn 3,500 calories that is a pound of fat lost.