Bacterial Vaginal Infection

This kind of infection goes by many names. Yeast infection, Candidiasis and vaginitis. This is one infection all women need to dread. Some of the symptoms of a bacterial vaginal infection include vaginal discharge, burning sensations, a rash, irritation of the vagina itching and possibly some pain during sexual intercourse.

This infection is not classifies as a sexually transmitted disease (STD), but it can be passed from one partner to another via sexual intercourse. That’s right, even men get yeast infections. In many cases, bacterial vaginal infections are recurrent and will come back again, even after the infection cleared up the first time, with the statistics stating that 75% of the women who have had a yeast infection are at risk of another episode.

Yeast infections are curable, with little trouble, though sometimes they can be stubborn. In these cases, preventative measures, medication and will power will do the trick.  Prescription medication is available for people suffering from these infections but most women opt for home remedies instead. The most common home therapy for treating yeast infections is applying unsweetened natural yoghurt to the infected area.

Some of the steps one can take to prevent infecting a partner is to abstain from sexual intercourse until the yeast infection clears up. This is irrespective of if you’re in pain or not. In men, the yeast infection is known as a male yeast infection or a penile yeast infection. To avoid getting a bacterial vaginal infection, women need to steer clear of douches or anything that creates an optimum breeding ground for the candid Albicans to breed in their vagina.